
Thursday, January 3, 2013



John 8:12 "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world."
Matthew 4:16 "The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

Matthew 17:2 "His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light."
John 12:35-36 "Then Jesus told them, "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light."

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings;  Malachi 4:2.

Trece mil rayos tiene el sol, trece mil rayos tiene la luna, trece mil veces sean arrepentidos los enemigos que tengo yo”

Thirteen thousand rays of the Sun, Thirteen thousand rays of the Moon, Thirteen thousand times shall my enemies come humbled and repented before me.


  1. A la una, esta el sol mas alto que la luna.
  2. A las dos, tablas de Moisés en que escribe nuestro señor Jesucristo.
  3. A las tres, los tres patriarcas.
  4. A las cuatro, las cuatro llagas de nuestro Señor.
  5. A las cinco, las cinco puntas de la Santa Estrella.
  6. A las seis los seis cirios que alumbraron Galilea.
  7. A las siete los siete dolores que sufrió María Santísima por su hijo.
  8. A las ocho todas las puertas se alzan con las ocho del paraíso.
  9. A las nueve mírese amigo menos nueve enemigos.
  10. A las diez los diez mandamientos guardare.
  11. A las once las once mil vírgenes me acompañaran y me guardaran y me guiaran de todo mal camino o peligro.
  12. A las doce los doce apóstoles me acompañaran por mi camino.
  13.  A las trece Miguel ato a Satanás, no me tocará ni por delante ni por detrás.

  1. At 1:00 the Sun is Higher than the Moon.
  2. At 2:00, the two slates of Moses written by the fire of the hand of our lord Jesus Christ.
  3. At 3:00, the three Patriarchs.
  4. At 4:00, the four blessed wounds of the Son.
  5. At 5:00, the blessed points of the star, in which I feel his love.
  6. At 6:00, the six candles which gave light to Galilee.
  7. At 7:00, the seven sorrows the blessed mother suffered for her son.
  8. At 8:00, the incense will clear my mind.
  9. At 9:00, look deep within yourself, and nine enemies less you shall have.
  10. At 10:00, guard the ten commandments.
  11. At 11:00, the Eleven Thousand Virgins will be with me and guide me safely through the treacherous dangerous paths.
  12. At 12:00 the twelve Apostles will accompany me along my way. 
  13. At the 13:00 hour Michael Imprisoned Satan you will not touch me from any direction.  And for the last one I will find peace.  Amen.

Gran Simbi Glo "Simbi Dlo" also known as Gran Rey Molinu, Rey Molina or simply Simbi Rey del Agua "Simbi D'l'eau" is the head of the ancient Serpent Simbi Division, in Sance he also governs over Agua Dulce and the Indios, and in Puerto Rico is often associated with the Cemi Spirit Yucaju.  Gran Rey Molinu as we call him in Sanse is synchronized with el Cristo Rey "Christ King".  He is a great Magician, Powerful sorcerer and messenger of the Sun, although he is an ancient Spirit and concidered thus part of the Rada, he as his other vueltas or paths governs other nations.  He is the great Sun whose reflection sparkles on the waters of the earth, and is the bearer of the souls of those which reside within the waters of the earth.  It is Gran Rey Molinu's energy that gives them the Ache to manifest, it is through this energy that life first sprung on our planet.  Most of his offsprings are ancient spirits whose Division is named after him.  "Division Simbi" but as I have stated in Sanse he also governs Agua Dulce.
Many also syncrenized  Gran Simbi Glo with Jesus being baptized in the River Jordan, which is his closest vuelta to Agua Dulce.   



Gran Toro Sentao "Sentado", also known as Gran Torolisa or Gran Toro Lizan is the head of la Division del Fuego, Morena, Prieta or Division Negra.  He is a fierce spirit, a Lwa of cosmic uncontrolable energies, rage, animal survival instincts, freedom from opression, and the need for independence at all costs.  He is a well known Sorcereer and can render any black magic impotent.  He is not a Lwa to be taken lightly, he is symbolized with Bulls, Bull's Horns, whips, shackles and chains and signifies strength, the power to conquer and the ability to push past obstacles to achieve success, the ability to get things done, the fight for freedom and independence.  He is an ancient Loa whose energy is said to have came forth from human suffering, opression, pain, anguish and the desire to survive.  Gran Toro symbolizes survival of the fittest. But it is also this fierce fiery emotion that through the grace of Bondye, created the cosmos. Gran Torolisa's force and the human will to survive, strive and overcome has been seem in some form in every culture and society through out human history.  His pressence can be felt in the struggles of African slaves, the slaughter and then rebellion of the Indegenous people of the Americas, and in all forms of hardship, mistreatment, and enslavement of any culture and race has gone through.  From hardship, one learns strength, and from strength one learns to survive.

In Dominican 21 Division. Gran Torolisa is synchrenized with Jesus de la Buena Esperanza.   He is the one who transforms Water into wine, and blood into water which represents grapes ripening after they're rained on and then heated by the sun.  He is the one who walks on water, which not only symbokizes African slaves being brought from Africa to the New World but also symbolizes sun light reflecting off the surface of water.



Gran Solier, Gran Soley, Gran Soliel, Gran Sol, is the head of la Division Blanca, also known as the Rada Division.  He has the power to create life, to awaken and bring forth new life. 
In 21 Division Gran Solie is syncrenized with San Nicolas del Sol, while in Sanse el Gran Poder de Dios is used to symbolize Gran Solie.  He is the great star that resides at the center of our universe, the Sun.  He is the life giver, which sustains life not just in our planet but any planet that is given the blessings of life from a Star.  The thorn crown symbolizes the rays of the sun, the 12 apostiles, the 12 signs of the the zodiac, sunday his day the day of the Sun.  Gran Solier is the light of the world, the Risen Savior who comes on clouds, and every eye shall see him.”



El Justo Juez, or the Just Judge is the head of the Nago Division and the Ogun Nation known as the Los Anagos or the Ancient Orisha Spirits.  Gran Olofi symbolizes that from life comes death, and from death life is reborn.  From Light shall come darkness and from darkness soon shall come the light.  Gran Olofi symbolizes change in order for life to move on and survive.  Gran Olofi symbolizes advancement, development, growth, change, rebirth and reaching a higher form of consciousness.  It is through the rays of the Sun that the great Spirits came to this earth our planet and gave it life.  The rays of the sun is symbolized as the thread, rope or latter in which life force first came into our planet, and it is through the rays of the Sun which life is sustained on this planet.   The cross is an extremely ancient symbol which often represented the sun, fertility, ever lasting life or victory.

During the winter solstice, The Sun stops moving toward the south. For three days, December 22nd , 23rd , and 24th , the Sun rises on the same degree.

On the morning of December 25th , the sun moves one degree to the north. It seemed like anything that was in motion all year long suddenly stops moving for three days must have died. So, the sun was dead for three days and then moves one degree to the north on December 25th . The Sun is symbolically born again. This is why Christians traditionally celebrate the birth of their solar deity on the winter solstice.

"The Spanish pronunciation for Jesus is Heh Zues meaning of Zuez."

The Sun had died during winter and is now 'passing over' to his new life in Spring. This is the origin of the modern Pass Over celebration. In the story of the Exodus, the Bible says that Yahweh inflicted ten plagues upon the Egyptians before Pharaoh would release his Hebrew slaves. The Hebrews were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a Spring lamb and then the spirit of Yahweh “passed over”.  The sign was a cross or an x which is an ancient symbol of the Sun.  In other words, the Sun ‘passes-over’ the equator at the same time that the Jews celebrate a “Passover Service” by partaking of the ‘bread and wine.’ The Passover is the Jewish Spring festival.

This is why Christians celebrate “The Resurrection” of their Sun god in Spring with a “Sun rise service”. The date of Easter was always determined by taking into account the same lunisolar cycles. Easter is the Christian Spring festival and was named after the goddess Eostre.
The Greek word for “son” is “huios” and the word for “sun” is “helios” which seam to come of the same origin, as the English Sun and Son.



Rey Molinero: bendito, puro y sagrado, bendito sea con la fuerza que fuisteis llamado, con esa misma llamé a mis enemigos en nombre de Dios, las Tres Divinas Personas, Padre Hijo y Espíritu Santo, con esas tres palabras benditas llamé a mis enemigos para que vengan en son de reconciliación hasta mi persona.  Que vengan humillados a mis pies como fue humillado Satanas a los pies de San Miguel.

Los once mil rayos de Sol radien los cinco sentidos de mis enemigos para que se arrepientan de corazón de sus malas acciones para con migo, que se frenen las malas intenciones y en su lugar advengan a ellos las buenas y a la vez la prosperidad.

Los once mil rayos del Sol radien los cinco sentidos de mis enemigos, sumergiendolos como fue sumergida la esponja en hile y la sal al agua, y que las malas intenciones que vengan en mi contra sean rechazadas con el Vastago de San Pedro, y con la llave sean abiertos los cinco sentidos de aquellos que tengan ojos y no me vean, corazon tengan y no sea yo prisionero, sentidos tengan en mi no piensen, pies tengan y no me sigan, cuchillo y no corten, carabina tengan y se les llene de agua, boca tengan y no hablen y en el manto de Maria Santisima sea yo cubierto y el Sacramento del Altisimo sea mi compañia.

Que toda mala acción sean rechazada con el Vástago de San Pedro y con la llave sean abiertos los cinco sentidos de aquellos que tengan ojos y no me vean, corazón tengan y no sea yo prisionero, sentidos tengan y en mi no piensen, pies tengan y no me sigan, cuchillo y no me corten carabina tengan y se les llene de agua, boca tengan y no hablen, y en el manto de Santa María Santísima sea yo cubierto y el Sacramento del Altísimo sea mi alimento y compañía. Amén


Blessed King Molinero sacred and pure, with the same force that you was called, I want you to call on my enemies.  In the name of God, the Son and Holy Ghost, with these three blessed words I want you to call my enemies so they will come humbled before my feet, just as Satan came humbled before the feet of Saint Michael.  May the Eleven Thousand Rays of the Sun irradiate the five senses of my enemies, submerging them just like the sponge that was offered to Christ was submerged in a bucket of vinigar and salt. 

May all wicked intentions hurled at me be revoked my Saint Peter's staff and with his very keys may all evil intentions be revoked and changed into good. 

May their eyes not see me, their hearts not feel me.  May I be free of them.  May their five senses be blinded by your radiant light and not be aware of my pressense.  May their feet not walk my paths, and their knives not pierce my flesh.  May their bullets not reach me, may they be deflected.  May their mouths not speak hateful words about me.  May I be covered by the shroud and robe of Mary which will accompany me to the Holy Sacrament before the altar.  Amen


Santísimo Justo Juez. Hijo de Santa María, que mi cuerpo no se asombre ni mi sangre sea vestida, donde quiera que vaya y venga, las manos del Señor delante las tenga, de mi Señor San Andrés, antes y después, las de mi Señor San Blas, delante y detrás, las de la Señora Virgen María, que vayan y venga mis enemigos, salgan con ojos y no me vean, con armas y no me ofendan, justicia y no me prendan, con el paño que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo fue su cuerpo envuelto sea mi cuerpo, que no sea herido ni preso, ni a la verguenza de la cárcel puesto. Si este día hubiese alguna sentencia en contra mía, que se revoque por la bendición del Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. Amén.

La compañía de Dios sea conmigo y el Manto de Santa María, su madre, me cobije y de malos peligros me defienda. Ave María Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum, me libre de todo espíritu no bautizado y por bautizar. Cristo vence, Cristo reina, Cristo de todos los peligros me defienda, Amen.

Oh Just and Holy Judge, Blessed Son of the Virgin Mary, let my body be calm and my blood be washed so that wherever I may go, the hands of my Lord Jesus Christ be in front of me. That of St. Andrew before and after me. St. Peter's in the back and the middle. Those of the Virgin Mary, that my enemies may come and go with eyes but without seeing me, with arms but without hurting me, and that justice may not apprehend me. That my body be covered with the cloth that covered Jesus Christ's body, that I may not be hurt, or dead, or incarcerated. Oh Virgin Mary, this prayer I say for good or evil that my enemies hold against me. If any sentence be in this day against me, let it be revoked by the blessings of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

The companionship of God is with me and the Mantle of Mary, his mother will shelter me of all ill will and dangers it defends me. Ave Maria Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum, free me of all unclean and unbaptized spirits. Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ for all evil shall defend. Amen.

The Great Ancient Water Serpents of Magic and Transformation


Ayida Quedo, Aida Weddo,  Ayida Wedo, Ayida Wedo is an ancient Loa of water and fertility.  She is the wife of Gran Damballah and she is symbolized as all all Simbi Loa by a serpent, she is the rainbow serpent of life and fertility.  The great mother of the universe, as the universe is encircled within her grasp.

Gran Damballah:  Well respected and ancient Loa, father of the Loases.

Dan Wedo / Ogou Dan Hueso Weso / Dan Gueso / Dan Weso is the son of Dambalah and Ayida and pertaining to the Ogoun Nation.  He is a mystery of changes, purification and of shedding ones skin and becoming another.  He is a great Warrior Loa. 

Papa Chimbi / Pai Simbi / Ochu del Mar / Ochu Mar, Ancient Loa of tranaformation, son of Gran Dambala and Ayida Wedo.  He is a great sorcerrer, a water spirit and a part of the Simbi Nation.  He is known world wide as the Rainbow Serpent, and has manifested himself materially as the Staff of Moses.

Gran Simbi Dlo "Glo" / Gran Rey Molinu / Rey del Agua:  Ancient father of the Simbi Division of Spirits, Padrino of Mama Chimbi and great Magician Loa who is the bearer of souls, both are of the Rada Division and their offsprings are ancient spirits whose Division is named after them.  "Division Simbi"

Gran Siligbo / Mama Sili Gbo, Female aspect of Gran Soley, sister of Belie Belcan, she is of the cleansing flames of the sun, and she is the Misterio who purifies through water and fire, and bestows healing and magical power through herbal baths.  She is symbolized by fresh clean water, wells and the the rays of the Sun.  She is manifested in many traditiones and would be close to the Kundalini Serpent within.

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