
Saturday, February 23, 2013




The Misterios are invoked through ritual prayers, gestures, bows, salutations and drawings of the Puntos Firmados.  The first to always be called is Papa Buen Dios, in which we ask for God's benedictions and permission to honor the rest of the Loases, this is always done with circle prayer of El Padre Nuestro and Ave Maria.  Then we call on the Dead, and the Ancestors, for without the Dead, there could be no Saint.  "The Dead gave birth to the Saint.' After this we call on Legba, Ogun and the rest of the 21 Divisiones.

Often sacred sigils, known as Firmas or Veve are drawn on the ground or floor with Cascarilla or corn meal.   These sacred firmas act as a focal point and an astral doorway, where the energy of the Misterio is drawn, comes through and manifests, if it is their choice to do so.

The Jarro Divisional, which consists of a tinware or a white enamelware pitcher filled with holy water drops of scented oils, perfumed lotions and herbs, such as Romero, Ruda and or Albahca and often fastened with 7, 9 or 21 multicolored ribbons is used to pour liberation to the Ancestors, the Spirits of the land and the Lwa. 

The Misterios are invoked through a ritual in which you first ask the permission of Buen Dios, Muertos and finally Legbás of the 21 Divisions.  These vueltas, pasos and saludos each have variant gesture or slightly different paso and reverencia.

The Sancista,  Papa Bokor or Mama Mambo must salute the Misterios in the four directions, North, South, East and West, often starting at the entrance of the home and ending if possible in front of the altar.

The Sancista, Servidor or Medium must touch the ground or floor with his fist, then with the Jarro Divisional pour a drop of liberation.  These steps are often done before a Misa, Sesion or during a Fiesta Espiritual.

The Jarro Divisional is always held in the right hand, and the candle is held on the left, no exceptions to that rule. Cool Spirits are placed on the right while Hot Spirits are placed on the left. When holding the Jarro Divisional other items such as the Tcha Tchae rattle, or the altar bell is also held in the left.  Often the Paño in the color of the Lwa or Division that is being petitioned is warn over the shoulder or tied to the wrist or arm.   While the Tcha Tcha represents the masculine aspect, el Jarro Divisional embodies the life giving energy of the feminine aspect of creation.

Left side of brain is masculine and is more logical, analytical and objective, while the right side of brain is feminine and is more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective. The left side controls the right side of the body, which has masculine traits and qualities, while the right side of brain controls the left side which is more feminine and we hold the cool things in the right and hot things in left, to balance this energy.

Liberations and reverencias are always done to the four directions, and it is a way that the practitioner ensures that the home, temple, centro or area that is being used to call on Lwa in protected from negative influences, and ensures that all Spirits from every point of origin is honored and negative or unwanted spirits are vanquished from the area.
¡Nsambia Arriba, Nsambi Abajo, Nsambi por los cuatro "4" Costados, Primero Nsambia antes que todas las cosas! Permite a Laborar!!
Buen Dios sobre nosotros, Buen Dios debajo de nosotros, Buen Dios en los cuatro vientos, permite a laborar.
Dios en el cielo, Dios en la tierra, Dios en todas las partes, mande Misterio a laborar.




  1. That was very beautiful. Gracias por este website. I am a Palero and am very interested in Sanse. Que Nsambi te bendiga

    1. Santo Samce, saludos hermano, thankyou for the kind words.
