
Monday, September 10, 2012

AGUANILE Puerto Rican Espiritismo and Sanse


Puerto Rican Espiritismo & Sanse
La 21 Division del Panteon Sancista de los Siete JEFES

One of the most beloved songs within the Puerto Rican culture is a song titled Aguanile, which was made popular by the late great Puerto Rican Salsa singer, Hector Lavoe.  Hector Lavoe was no novice to Afro Carribean culture and although his music sang of suffering, loss and having a simple good time, much of his music was also dedicated to the spiritual outlook of not only his Puerto Rican people, but of his Cuban, Dominican Colombian, Panamanian, Venezuelean, Brazilian, Haitian and even African brothers. Spiritual songs such as El Todopoderoso, Yemaya y Ochun, Rompe Zaraguey, Che Che Cole, and Panameña where set into rythmic Salsa beats.  Although the songs mentioned above are all beautiful and still popular today amongst Puerto Ricans and all over the world, as they were in the 70s and 80s, none surpasses. AGUANILE.

What does Aguanile Stand For.

The word Aguanile comes from the Afro Cuban religion known as La Regla de Ocha or Lukumi better known around the world as Santeria.  Aguanile has its roots from the Yoruba language and culture of modern day Nigeria and the Afro Cuban Lukumi culture.  In the traditional Cuban Toque to the Nago Santo "Orisha" Lwa one hears the phrase Aguanile Mai Mai.  The term Aguanile Mai Mai although often inproperly broken down and translated to mean Water to my House, Mother Mother is in actuality meant to be broken down to.  "Aguan". A spiritual cleansing or the woven basket made of palm fronds and carried on the head with offerings to the African Gods.  "Ile" which is the Afro Cuban Lukumi word for, House.  While Mai Mai, which is infact a Afro Caribbean word for Mother, Mami or Mai.  The word for water in Lukumi is Omi. 

The song has become very popular when  perform cleansing and purification rituals emvolving water, herbs and a spiritual bromm or cleansing the home, the body and ones surroundings.

Aguanile!  Aguanile!
Santo Dios.
Holy God.
Santo Fuerte.
Strong Saint.
Santo inmortal. Immortal Saint.
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Holy Water, Cleanse the House, Cleanse my house, Holy Water Oh Mai Mai.
Ehhh aguanile aguanile aguanile aguanile, mai mai
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house,
Mai Mai.
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house,
Mai Mai.
Ehhh Kirieleison, Pritieleison no me metas a mi moña que yo tambien me se de eso
Ehhh Dont try and Curse Me, Dont try black magic on me, because I also know of these things.
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house,
Mai Mai.
Oye to' el mundo reza que reza pa' que se acabe la guerra y eso no se va acaba' eso sera una rareza
Listen, all the world, it is praying and praying, for the end of strife and war. And those things shall never end, it will be a rare occurense..
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house,
Mai Mai.
Tambores rumacuyi tambores rumacuya que se echen todos pa'l lao que la tierra va a temblar
Drumers play, Drumers Play hard. Everyone make way, the earth is about to Rumble.
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house,
Mai Mai.
Que bombonchele... ahh bombonchacha yo traigo Aguanile... pa' rocear a las muchachas
That Bombonchele, oh Bombonchacha. I bring fresh water.. so I may Spray all the ladies.
Ayyy que los tres clavos... de la cruz vayan delante de mi que le hablen y le respondan..
Ohh the Three nails of the Cross. May they go before me and speak on my behalf.
Ayy Dios, tu eres, al que me critique a mi yo tengo... aguanile y mai mai.
Oh God, you are, and to all those who criticize me, I have fresh water to cleanse the House, Mai Mai.
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house,
Mai Mai.
Un judio que a caballo gritaba sin compasion coje su crucificado muerto por una traicion
Judas that on a horse yelled without compassion. Bare your Cross oh dead one, given to you by a betrayal.
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house,
Mai Mai.
Ehhh a bombonchele a bombonchacha Aguanile.  Bendiceme a las muchachas
Ah bombonchele ah bombonchacha. Fresh Water bless all the ladies.
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house,
Mai Mai.
Aguanile y aguanile aguanile dame agua estoy seco y quiero beber.
Fresh water for the House, give me fresh water, for I am dry and thirsty and I want to drink.
Aguanile, aguanile mai mai.  Aguanile, aguanile mai mai.
Oh Water Cleanse my house, cleanse and purify the house, Mai Mai.





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